The First 20 Minutes of Your Day are Sacred

There is a very scientific and spiritual reason why a lot of people have morning routines. The morning is the most important part of the day. Why?

When you first awaken after being asleep for 8 hours, your subconscious mind is awake and very receptive. For the first 20 minutes of your morning, there is an open gateway to the subconscious mind.

Now what is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is infinite intelligence, and it is what has manifested your entire life as you know it! It is always active but we have more access to it when we are in a drowsy state.

When you wake up, the mind is taking in all the information you are consuming, from how you feel all the way to what thoughts you are experiencing. That’s why it is important to be aware of what you are doing, saying, or consuming during these sacred minutes.

Your morning sets up the rest of your day, and determines how you will feel. It dictates your energy and mood for the day ahead. You can use these first moments to set the tone for the day and to ensure that your day runs as smoothly as you would like it to. Here are some great practices to incorporate into your morning routine:

1. Journaling

Journaling is a great way to write out your intentions, what you are grateful for and your manifestations. Whatever you write down gets more easily accepted by the subconscious mind and in turn allows it to manifest with ease.

2. Drinking matcha

I replaced my morning coffee with matcha latte and I do not regret it one bit! Matcha is a Japanese green tea powder made from finely powdered dried tea leaves. It is a traditional Japanese tea and has been around for centuries. The powder has gained popularity in other countries recently due to its health benefits. The powder is high in antioxidants but still gives you that much needed energy boost in the morning.

3. Meditation

Meditation is a great way to start your morning, and helps you to stay more focused and less stressed throughout the day. Meditating has helped me to reduce my anxiety, and intrusive thoughts. Whenever I start my day with mediation, I feel much calmer and my day always flows with more ease.

4. Repeating affirmations

Repeating affirmations that imply you have or are what you desire to be, during the first 20 minutes of your day is a great way to impress them as beliefs onto your subconscious mind. You can say them in the mirror, before you get out of bed, or by writing them down.

5. Go out in nature

Our bodies are supposed to be outside in the sunshine, ingesting all that vitamin D. I find that when I start my day with a walk, I receive so much more inspiration and feel a lot of gratitude as the day unfolds. Not only are you experiencing nature, you are moving your body and getting exercise too.

You don’t have to do all of the rituals listed as we all have busy lives and a lot that we have to get done during our day. However, before you start the hustle and bustle, I urge you to try out one of these rituals during the first 20 minutes when you wake up. Your day will feel so different, and you will experience internal changes—all of which will influence your outer world!

Cover Photo by Umantsiva. Edited by Caitlin Andrews.




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