Memories Fleet in the Air

Have you ever felt a deep and strong association with the air you breathe in? Did the blowing wind ever take you many moons ago? Did the air filling inside your lungs ever fill your heart with emptiness and despair? In the moving air have you ever heard giggles and gala talk you once had?

One pleasant day I was sitting on a bench in the garden to attain peace of mind and soul—it was the month of October. The trees were changing color, the air was crisp. Children were playing a bit far away. Old couples were holding hands together and taking rounds of the garden. An older gentleman rolling the wheelchair of his wife was saying something to his older wife almost imperceptible to my ears. But the curve of their lips, their smile, says a lot about their chattering. The air going inside them seems to bring tranquility by reminiscing with them the time of their youth which they have successfully completed in spite of many ups and downs.

An older woman sitting just beside me was holding a picture of her with her husband which was taken on the very same bench. Every breath she was taking seemed to bring positivity to her heart… perhaps the air she was breathing had brought her the time she had at the start of her life of love. A soft wind blew and suddenly tears started rolling down her cheeks. She kissed the picture she was holding. This wind might have brought the regret of not giving her husband a last kiss due to some unusual circumstances.

At a distance away from the bench, a boy was sitting alone with his football, the air he was breathing in looked like it was pinching his heart. Maybe his friend had moved to another city or his friend might have got new friends. I saw him getting up, continuing to bounce his ball without a smile as he walked away from the park. I could feel his lonely heart.

As I gasped, the fresh air inside me drove my attention to nature rather than people who teleported to memory lane. The memory, filled with fun and laughter. The memory, filled with a roller coaster of joy. The good memories always seem to bring happiness but it brought me sadness. The memory was good, pleasant, and full of happiness, yet my heart cried because it knew that moment has now become another memory. It's never going to get that heavenly happiness. To get rid of the blues, I started to gaze into the future, and I realized that many happiness are awaiting—many are now just inside my heart in the envelope of memories.

Days of laughter and love may seem distant and hazy. For some, it may seem to be gone forever, but it’s simply a testament of life's beauty in every way. Memories are treasures kept deep inside the heart. Like particles in the air, it is present there. It flew in the air as a source of inspiration and joy for us to regain.

Cover Photo by Suzy Hazelwood. Edited by Madison Case.


Feeling Parallel